Principal’s Message

St. Michael’s Play School, Ranchi

From the Principal's Desk

Regarded as one of the best playschool in Ranchi, St. Michael’s Play School delivers outstanding education while at the same time acknowledges the fact that each child is unique as an individual and as a learner. Our slogan, ‘Play With A Purpose’ ensures that the tiny tots learn while having a great time.

Our adorable little toddlers, educators, and guardians have charmed us at SMPS with their empathy and exuberance. The community’s caring mentality makes the playschool a peppy, buzzing and dynamic learning environment.

“I never teach my pupils; I simply strive to establish an environment in which they can learn,” Einstein stated. We at SMPS concur.

Education is more than just teaching information for a future career; it is a lifetime process that fosters moral and ethical principles to lead one’s life and make our kids the future hope of our wonderful country. We at SMPS believe that adequate mentoring and encouragement assist a youngster in realizing his or her fantasies and acquiring wings.

A kid spends significant active time at our playschool. However, every kid receives primary support and stability from their parents. It is the parents’ direction that a child ingests primarily. The consideration that the parents show and the time they spend with children is fundamental for developing their posterity. We at SMPS feel fortunate with authoritative educators, managerial personnel, and cooperative and caring parents!

SMPS takes this opportunity to thank all the parents who have shown their trust in our playschool. We promise to do the best for the little holy messengers and value your patronages.
At long last, we might want to add, “Education isn’t groundwork forever, Education is life itself.” -John Dewey

Thank you!

Mrs. Vandana Behl
Founder & Principal
St. Michael’s Play School